
Friday, 30 November 2012

Mimosa Plant

Will the leaves of a mimosa plant fold if you touch them?

Plants Respond To Stimuli

Water and sunlight are examples of stimuli that plants respond to.  The roots of the plants grow towards water and gravity.  The shoots move towards the sunlight.

Let Us Do This

Observing The Life Cycle Of An Animals.  (You will need eggs and bulb.)

1.  Collect a few eggs from a farm.

2.   Put them in a warm place for a few days.

3.   Observe the eggs every day until they hatch and the
      chicks grow into chickens.

4.   Record the changes in the size of the chicks in their form during the
     different stages of their growth in your Science Journal.

5.   What can you say about the life cycle of this animal?


How Do Animals Reproduce?

1.   Some animals give birth and some lay eggs.  Different types of animals
       reproduce in different ways.

2.   A hen lays eggs.  A chick hatches from the egg after a few days.  The
      chick grows to become a hen.

Let Us Do This.

Observing the breathing structure of a fish.

1.   Work in group of four.
2.   Observe the fish breathing.
3.   Record your findings in your Science Journal.
4.   Presents it to the group.

Animals Breathe

All animals breathe.  Different animals may have different breathing structures.  They need to breathe to stay alive.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Understanding Why Humans Need to Defecate

Humans excrete and defecate to get rid of waste materials from their bodies.  We excrete urine and sweat. They contain water.  When we defecate, our body get rid of undigested food or waste materials called faeces.  

Why do we get rid of these waste materials?
We get rid of them so that they would not harm our health.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


Carbon dioxide in the air we breathe out.
1.   Place the straw into the lime water.
2.   Blow gently through it.
3.   Observe the changes in the lime water.
4.   What causes the lime water to change?

Life Processes

Living things undergo many life processes.   Some of these processes are breathing, excretion, defecation, response to stimuli and reproduction.

Humans Breathe
Humans need air to breathe.  when we breathe, we inhale (take in) and exhale (let out) air.  Our chest moves up and down.  The number of chest movement is the rate of breathing.  As we inhale, the chest rises outwards and upwards causing the chest to expand.  The air is taken in through the nose, down the windpipe into the lungs.  This air contains more oxygen.

As we exhale, the chest moves in causing the chest to contract.  The air inside the lungs then flows out from the lung to windpipe and then out through the nose.  This air contains more carbon dioxide.

The video is shown that the humans respiratory system.

Basic Needs of Plants

The video is shown that the basic needs of plants are water, air and sunlight.

The Song of Animals Basic Needs

Let us enjoy ourselves with the kids' song.

Basic Needs of Animals

This video is about basic needs animals.

Human Basic Needs

It is a interesting video with beautiful pictures.  The content of the video helps us to learn on humans basic needs.


1.   Which of the followings are the basic needs of humans?
       I   Air          II   sunlight          III   Water          IV   Food?
       A.   I and III
       B.   II and III
       C.   I, III and IV
       D    I, II, III and IV

2.   Why do humans and animals need shelters? they need shelters to:
      A.   breathe
      B.   help them grow
      C.   stay alive
      D.   protect themselves from danger

1.   Get two potted plants from the school.  One from a shaded area and the
       other from an open area.
2.   Lift the pots and observe what you can find under it.
3.   Describe what you see.
4.   What are the differences that you have observed?

Basic Needs

Basic Needs of Humans
Humans need water, food, air and shelter to stay alive.  These are their basic needs.  They need food to grow, to get energy and to stay healthy.  They also need a balanced diet in their food.  Humans need air to breathe.  Each breath is shown by the movement of your chest.  Humans also need shelter to protect themselves from danger, the sun and the rain.  Some example of shelter for humans are long house, hut, bungalow, terrace house and flat.

Let Us Do This
What will happen to humans if there is no food, water, air or shelter?

Basic Needs of Animals 
Animals have basic needs too.  Animals need to eat and drink to help them grow and stay healthy.  Animals need air to breathe.  Animals also need shelters to protect them from the sun, the rain and danger.  Some example of shelters for animals are nests, caves and holes.

Let Us Do This
Do you know how to keep your pet alive and healthy?
Name other types of animals shelters that you can see around you?

Handle the animals with care.

Basic Needs of Plants
The basic needs of plants are water, air and sunlight.  Plants need sunlight to stay alive.  They also need air to stay alive.  Without air, plants will die.  Plants absorb water from the soil through their roots.  They will wilt and die if they do not get any water.

Let Us Do This
Plants can also grow better in other conditions.  Can you name some of these conditions?